
Unraveling the Impact of Academic Pressure on Mental Health written by, Veera Gollapalli

For generations and generations, academic pressure has been the leading cause of many catastrophes regarding mental health. It has caused depression and anxiety in some cases, even suicide. Academic pressure stems from many factors like familial traditions, family expectations, societal expectations, past traumas, etc. But why does it have the power to affect people so […]

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Beyond Giving Thanks by Saranya Kari

As another year comes to an end, we approach the season’s first significant celebration: Thanksgiving. This holiday reminds us to honor our families and the multitude of blessings in our lives. My heart is full of thanks for the countless gifts I’ve received, the opportunities that have come my way, and for the myriad of […]

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Who is Color me SAFE?

Who is Color me SAFE? Color me SAFE is a family crisis management consulting firm serving mostly Texas and occasionally out of State clients. Our mission is to assist families of all backgrounds by offering guidance, solutions, and education regarding child welfare issues. Our team has over 50 years of combined experience, including several decades working […]

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Summer Fun!

Some of my best memories of summer started in my childhood. I was taught at a young age to be myself and enjoy my childhood. My parents were always finding activities for my brother and I to do, whether that was swimming lessons or going to the bowling alley on discount days. I wanted nothing […]

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Happy Father’s Day Dad!

With Father’s Day coming up Sunday I wanted to talk about dads, in particular mine. No father is perfect, and my dad has always been the most imperfect of them all! But there is so much about him that I admire. Dads are underrated, and I wanted to take the time to show some appreciation […]

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Narcissistic Parenting

What I write is strictly my opinion so… Let’s jump right into it. What is narcissistic parenting? In my own definition, a narcissistic parent is one who encourages their child to do something for their own personal motive over the benefit of their child. For example, let’s say your child doesn’t care for learning to […]

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“My Kind of Bullying”

Anytime I have written a blog, I have written an educational piece that was meant to help parents and children. I provided examples, but I stuck to factual evidence and provided experiences that helped me understand what situations would be like. For this entry, I wanted to get more personal. I wanted to voice my […]

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Social Media & The Holidays

As we move into the bulk of the holiday season, we are being exposed to loads of “holiday cheer.” What does it imply? This is the season that family is celebrated, gratefulness is celebrated, and the idea of gift giving is heavily implied- all of which makes the holidays more fun of course. During this […]

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The Art of Being Grateful

The holidays have arrived, and one of my favorites is Thanksgiving. Those who know the history, know that Thanksgiving wasn’t necessary the most chipper of the holidays. But what it has become, I believe, is the reasons to celebrate it. Thanksgiving is one time of year my family gets togethers to collectively work on making […]

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