Childrens Videos
Attention all BOOK WORMS! Do you remember a story you were told as a child? A favorite book read to you? The first book you couldn’t put down? The two we remember are “The Little House” by Virginia Lee Burton and “Harry the Dirty Dog” by Zion Gene. We at Color Me SAFE want to encourage children to read. We also want to encourage parents to read to their children because there are so many emotional and educational benefits to children who are read to!
Children who read often and widely get better at it, exercises their brain, improves concentration, teaches children about the world around them, improves vocabulary and language skills, develops a child’s imagination, helps children to develop empathy, creates a strong bond between children and parents, and it’s FUN!
We are EXCITED to introduce Gau Go Story Time with Color me SAFE to encourage children to read and to be read to! Keep an eye out for new episodes!

Episode 1 of Gau Go Story Time: All Are Welcome, Author, Alexandra Penfold & Illustrator: Suzanne Kaufman
In this book, you will follow a group of children through a day in their school, where everyone is welcome! A school where children in patkas, hijabs, baseball caps and yarmulkes play side by side. A school where students grow and learn from each other's traditions. A school where diversity and inclusiveness is a strength! It's warm and inspiring!
Episode 2 of Gau Go Story Time: The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn, Illustrated by Ruth E. Harper & Nancy M. Leak
This is a story of a little raccoon who confronts the first day of school and needs reassurance. Mother Raccoon finds an unforgettable way of communicating the message that everyone needs to hear.
Episode 3 of Gau Go Story Time: I am Enough by Grace Byers, Illustrated by Keturah A. Bobo
Welcome back BOOK WORMS! This is Episode 3. If you haven't watched the first two episode make sure you visit our channel and catch up. Also, make sure to subscribe to Gau Go Story Time to see all our newest episodes as they are released.
Episode 4: Gau Go Story time: THE LEGEND OF THE INDIAN PAINTBRUSH by Tomie dePaola
Welcome back BOOK WORMS! This is Episode 4. If you haven't watched the first three episode make sure you visit our channel and catch up. Also, make sure to subscribe to Gau Go Story Time to see all our newest episodes as they are released.
Episode 5: Gau Go Story time: CHOCOLATE MILK, POR FAVOR by Maria Dismondy
Welcome back BOOK WORMS! This is Episode 5. If you haven't watched the first four episodes make sure you visit our channel and catch up. Also, make sure to subscribe to Gau Go Story Time to see all our newest episodes as they are released.
Episode 6: Gau Go Story time: THE COLOR MONSTER, by Anna Llenas
Welcome back BOOK WORMS! This is Episode 6. If you haven't watched the first five episodes make sure you visit our channel and catch up. Also, make sure to subscribe to Gau Go Story Time to see all our newest episodes as they are released.
Episode 7: Gau Go Story time: THE INVISIBLE BOY, by TRUDY LUDWIG
Welcome back BOOK WORMS! This is Episode 7. If you haven't watched the first Six episodes make sure you visit our channel and catch up. Also, make sure to subscribe to Gau Go Story Time to see all our newest episodes as they are released.
Episode 8: Gau Go Story time: FOUND, by SALINA YOON
Welcome back BOOK WORMS! This is Episode 8. If you haven't watched the first Seven episodes make sure you visit our channel and catch up. Also, make sure to subscribe to Gau Go Story Time to see all our newest episodes as they are released.