
Domestic Violence Comes in Many Forms

Domestic violence comes in many forms, and in my household, it was not physically abusive but it was very verbally and emotionally abusive. Witnessing and experiencing domestic violence in a South Asian household, and having to talk about it brings up a lot of emotions for me. The fact that I’m posting this anonymously is […]

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Bullying: Another Perspective

Bullying is defined as someone intending to seek harm, intimidate, or coerce someone perceived as vulnerable. Simply put, bullying is picking on someone you believe is beneath you. There are also many forms of bullying from verbal, physical, mental, emotional, cyber, and more. All of them generally impact the person being bullied the same way, […]

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Online Predators

In the world today, almost everything is online. From shopping to communicating – no one is really walking around without a smart device accessible to their necessities. The age of which individuals are getting this access to devices is getting younger and younger. Because of COVID, the transition from standard practices switched quickly to online […]

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Young Success

Once again, the common theme that will be played in this post is social media. I want to have it highlighted early so the general idea is understood as I continue discussing the topic of “young success”. What do I mean by young success? Especially pertaining to social media and all its many forms and […]

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The LGBTQ Community

Though Pride Month came to an end but should be celebrated all the time, I want to highlight LGBTQ Community in modern culture and what the future may hold for them. For a quick history lesson, sexual fluidity/orientation originated all the way back in Grecian and Egyptian culture. The Greeks were openly polyamorous and were […]

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Western Privilege – Be An Ally

It is June, and those familiar with the month know it is Pride Month. June honors and celebrates the LGBQTA+ community, and those who are allies. Both parties are important to uphold the rights that the LGBQTA+ community strive to spread, and with each passing year it gets easier, but also harder. Rather than touching […]

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Indifference About Being Different

With June marking the start of Pride Month, it is important to touch on LGBQT+ especially in the younger community. It’s important as a parent to be aware, understand and be supportive during this time, and though it can be confusing it shouldn’t be challenging. Growing up I have always been around friends who were […]

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A Side Hustle

Often children are portrayed as the family’s pride and joy. They are advertised as making the family whole or adding an extra element that was missing before. In fact, in every lifetime an individual will consider having their own child because that’s what is considered the norm. In present times, however, having a child is […]

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The Meaning of Consent – Thoughts, Opinions, and Questions

When it comes to consent, most adults will consider it in relationships. It is especially heavily implemented in conversations regarding partnerships. Consent involves having the knowledge and understanding of what is being asked and knowing whether to accept the proposal or shut it down. Basically, consent is having the wherewithal to say yes or no. […]

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